Friday, August 13, 2010

Grow Kids, Grow

Phaedra's First Garden

This is Phaedra, Joseph's wonderful niece. She has such an adventurous heart, she reminds me of myself. She would come over and help us with our garden all the time. This year we decided to get her a plot at a local community garden. She calls it her 'Secret Garden'.

Phaedra has the most silly bands of anyone I know!

She gave me her "Y" silly band

This is Phaedra's garden journal. I made it out of a plain
composition notebook and some scrapbooking paper. I do not
like scrapbooking, but I looove scrapboking supplies!
Glue and Glitter can work wonders!

Close up of a doodle

I printed these out from a state extension program website.

She can see what hardiness zone we are in by this chart.

I love these boots! We are planning on putting ones like these in her garden :o)


My favorite - how to read a seed packet!

The back of her journal

This is Phaedra's garden plot! She has just transplanted pumpkins (that is why they look so droopy). She is only one week into it and her radishes have already sprouted!

Phaedra brought her sister Sheyenne to help out. Sheyenne is just as awesome as her sister, they were so good we went out for ice cream!

A sweet end to a sweet day! Since this picture was taken the garden has grown a lot! Updates shortly :o)

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