Wednesday, August 11, 2010

new knobs

I would like to liven up my drawing desk with new knobs. The currant hardware is not the original. That makes me wonder how nice the knobs must have been that they took them off before selling it. The replacements are clunky and boring.

My favorite place for hardwear is
Anthropologie. One Christmas that was all that I asked for!

I found the perfect knobs at They are called Color Swatch Knobs. They come in rainbow (above) blue and red. I would like two of the rainbow for my drawing desk because it reminds me of a pallet. My boyfriend bought this desk and its mate, an artist's cabinet, from an architect for $25.00! He made it in the 1950's out of different types of wood. From an artist to an artist, you can really tell he used it often. The surface is exactly 18 x 24” which is the standard for drawing paper. Along the edges of the surface is a ridge that is so small you would not notice it if you ran your hands over it, but it holds you paper in place perfectly! The desk has a lift up top that is very large inside with a matching prop to hold it up. It also has the drawer shown below and a built in pencil/pen holder inside.

As for this artist cabinet I am going to pick eight different handles... I have narrowed it down to these from all of anthropologie’s hardware!

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