Monday, September 27, 2010

Deck the Halls!

Deck the Halls! This is my latest fascination! I do
teas with a woman who is a "Certified Tea Specialist
of the Specialty Tea Institute". She travels the world
(literally) searching for new and exciting teas. She
is a collector of Hall pottery tea pots. Every time she
pulls out an even more intricate tea pot than the one
before, like the 'The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins'.
Well she just got back from one of her tea travels and
she gave me over 2 lbs. of tea from all over. I was so
tickled, but I had no tea pot to steep them in. I have
been using a tea traveler; which is nice to see the tea
brewing but does not make more than one and a half cups.
I have been on the lookout at local Goodwill’s and
thrift stores for a decent tea pot, but I could not find
one that was not made of metal or had a built in
strainer (both of which are a must). But I kept praying.
The next day I visited my mother, telling her about my
tea pot hunt.  She told me she had just found an old tea
pot which she thought was a hall. Sure enough, she pulled
it out of her armoire of goodies and voila! It was a
hall! She said she never used it and that she would love
for me to have it and a prayer was answered. I have
looked this pot up online and I think it is from the
1950's when Hall made their 12 'Gold Line' tea pots. This
is a Hall Star pattern in Cadet Blue with a Hook Cover.
I really love this pot because the handle is so far
away from the actual pot, you have no chance to burn
yourself, and the hook lid saves a lot of worry. A
new heirloom I will treasure, thanks mom :o)

The cute bag filled with wonderful teas
from Angela

Here are all 10 new teas layed out

I was so excited to see what was inside I could hardly drive home without pulling over :o)

Tea Storage

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