Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Foraging for black-raspberries

This is the second harvest of wild black-raspberries I have foraged this summer. It takes a while to harvest them, but once you have found a heavy producing patch you can gather a quart every few minuets. A few tips I would have is never wear shorts or sandals in the woods. These are a delight to eat and a battle to collect. If I had nice long leather rose gloves I would wear them! Also do not gather from plants that are next to roads. This is because of run off from auto fluids and road salt. Also municipalities hire companies to cut down brush at the side of the road and they also spray chemicals like herbicides and pesticides... enough said. Personally I like black raspberries better than raspberries or black berries.

I remember hearing a story about when Europeans came to the Aztecs, they said 'take us to your gold. The Aztecs took them to their corn because it was the most precious thing they had. If I were to show you my gold I would take you to my secret black raspberry patch :o)

If you are making jam it is best to harvest
slightly under ripe berries

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