Friday, September 17, 2010

Tomato Evolution

Canning season is here! And what a year it has been for
tomatoes! We sell organically grown produce using sustainable
farming techniques. This year we grew over 70 different varieties
of tomatoes. All of what we grow are heirloom varieties that
have been around since 1950 and before. We trellised our tomatoes
with 10 foot high bamboo poles that a good friend let us forage
for in her woods. So far the tomatoes have not grown to the top,
but almost!

Next to our tomatoes are heirloom French
melons 'Prescott Fond Blanc'

Check out that vine!

This is one of my latest ATC
creations... 'Tomato Evolution'.
This was for an ATC swap that
required the ATC to have seven
layers. I painted on overhead
sheets with acryllic paint.The
seventh layer was a cardstock 
background. This is what the card
looked like from the top layer.

Layer #2 the Tomato Flower

Layer #3 the Tomato Sprout 

Layer #4 the Tomato Seed

Layer # 5 the Tomato on the
cellular level

Layer #6 the Tomato on the
molecular level

My creation all layed out before I sent it

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