Thursday, September 9, 2010

Scarlet Nates a.k.a. Buns

This is Scarlet Nates, but we call her buns for
short. This is a picture taken when I first got
her as a birthday present! She is three years old
and her favorite time of the year is summer, when
she gets all of the kitchen scraps from the goodies
we make. The whole year long I collect clover, apple
tree twigs, flowers, grains, pine cones... anything
I see other bunnies eating in the wild. The other
day I saw a bunny eating wild geranium seed pods out
my window at work. So I collected some at home and
they are a new favorite treat. I keep her pelletized
food in a cute lettuce dish with lid from Holland.
Of all food her favorite is clover flowers, young
bean plants and sweet potato anything (even-though
I have read that this is harmful in large quantities).
Scarlet lives in my art studio. She has the run of the
place except all of the electrical cords must be
pulled up before she is let out.

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